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Pure nature

If you like to run and the mountains, many interesting suggestions await you in the counties of Barcelona. Tough races where you can test your limits, narrow trails where you can find yourself again, endless tracks where you can enjoy the stunning beauty of nature. So choose your competition, put on your sneakers, and get ready to feel, stride by stride, an unusual feeling of freedom.

The spectacular mountains of Berguedà, with the Cadí and Pedraforca mountains on the horizon, are the incomparable setting for two of the most important races in the county. The Ultra Cavalls del Vent starts in Bagà and passes by the eight shelters located in the Cadí-Moixeró Natural Park. The trek, which runs along the spectacular Torrent dels Empedrats, has a distance of 100 kilometers and a elevation gain of 13,300 meters. The other opportunity to enjoy exercising in the landscapes of Berguedà is the Berga-Rasos-Berga Mountain Race, a march that begins and ends in the county capital and that goes up to Rasos de Peguera. In total, 26 kilometers of distance and 3,600 meters of elevation gain along very special paths in the surroundings of Berga. Both competitions are tough, very tough, but the effort is worth it!

Closer to Barcelona, in the Sant Llorenç del Munt i l'Obac Natural Park, the First Mountain Marathon of Catalonia is an appointment that you cannot miss as an athlete. The race starts from Sant Llorenc Savall at the end of October and has achieved great prestige among long-distance runners in Catalonia thanks to its physical demands, but also to the beauty of the natural scenery through which it runs.

Would you rather participate in a race through the Montseny Massif? Then sign up for the Congost Valley Mountain Marathon! You can enjoy the most emblematic spots of this Biosphere Reserve and run through charming towns, such as Aiguafreda, Sant Martí de Centelles, Figaró, and Tagamanent.

  • Do you still feel like running outdoors? In Vilassar de Mar, they have been organizing for many years the Burriac Atac, a night mountain race that ends in the sea.

More information:

Ultra Cavalls del Vent
Cursa de Muntanya Berga-Rasos-Berga
Primera Marató de Muntanya de Catalunya
Marató de Muntanya de la Vall del Congost
Burriac Atac

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